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Building Wire
Signal Wire
Building Wire
Power Grid
Signal Wire
Lorenzo merges his interpersonal skills with a deep level of analytical thinking. He thrives in a fast-paced environment, balancing ever-changing priorities but never losing focus on ‘begin with the end in mind'.
Lorenzo has created a team of professionals from the ground up to support Copperweld's ever-growing critical buying activity, and a created a SIOP (Sales, Inventory and Operational Process) team to better leverage customer demand with production supply. Lorenzo brings many years of successful end-to-end supply chain expertise acquired in his various international leadership roles for Fortune 500 companies and private equities in the metals and aerospace industry for over 20 years. The impact of the team reporting to Lorenzo has already made a tangible impact on the business and has been recognized as a one of the key forces to Copperweld’s continuous improvement.
Lorenzo works closely with Copperweld's manufacturing sites and manages vendor and supplier relationships with complex sourcing programs. He can quickly connect the impact of material flow to the company’s results, fully immersing himself until results are met.
Lorenzo holds a dual citizenship and has a passion for travel and exploring new places. He takes his family, wife and two small kids in his quest to visit new countries.
Copperweld's friendly sales team is ready to fill your order or help you select products to deliver the performance you need.
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